Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sounds like life to me...

I would first like to state that the song I titled this post (by Darryl Worley) after is AMAZING and sums up how life has been going for me. Secondly...prepare for a book haha.
Things have been a whirlwind of ups and downs since I started this blog...although recently thank goodness it's been more ups than downs. Every day I am surprised by how extremely happy I am...this doesn't mean I don't have my down days, and as spring/summer is upon us more and more memories of Pops surface and pull me down. I am so happy that he is no longer in pain and suffering as much as he was, but that doesn't make it any easier for those left fact I think as time goes on it's actually getting a little harder, as everyone else has moved on with their lives, but we are left with a gaping hole that can't be filled. Although I witnessed it happen and know that he's gone, it's finally starting to sink in that he's never going to be in that house again and it's so hard to go over there and be there and not completely break down..the house just seems so empty now. I remember waking up pretty much everytime I stayed over there to the sound of him singing, MawMaw shushing him, and him just singing louder. I've also recently hit the anger stage of grief which upsets me even more because I get so furious that this would happen, but yet Pops never once complained or asked Why...but I's so unfair (yes I know life isn't fair, let me vent) that someone with so much life left in them and the desire and will to live (up until a couple of weeks before he died, when he started having trouble moving on his own, all he talked about was what he was going to do when he got better) would have his life cut short, when there are so many out there that don't even care to just pisses me off, then I get upset because I know he wouldn't want that, and well it's a vicious cycle....Ok, ok I know I said more ups than downs, I didn't mean to start rambling, but I'm good now haha.
Something that is becoming more and more prevalent to me is how things happen for a reason...there are so many things going on in my life right now that would have never been possible without several events (most of the unfavorable) at the time...I would have never have been able to be with my family so much, I would not have been able to be so active in the most wonderful, exciting, and probably stressful time in my best friend's life...I never would have started the Accounting Degree I'm working on (which I LOVE, I know I'm weird)...and just so many other things. There is so much happening in my life in the next month and a half, I'm starting to find it hard to keep it all straight (and planned) and for those that know me well, know I struggle with this, but it's all exciting stuff so I'm trying to just keep track of what I can :-) and try not to worry too much about it. Speaking of I'm not at all where I planned to be in my life plan, but I just really don't care, I'm right where I need to be, and am happy. One major thing is that I will not be walking in graduation at Meredith in May. This was my decision and although it was made based on something that is no longer valid, I am still glad I made that decision. I knew and had for the most part accepted that Pops was not going to see me graduate no matter if he made it till May or not...the problem was that if he had held on until May, which did not seem out of the question when I made the decision...MawMaw would not have been at my graduation. Pops didn't want her to leave him and she wouldn't have. Her not being there would have been like one of my parents not being there...she's helped me out so much along the way, and after all she's the one that taught me to read. When Pops passed away the Registrar tried to get me into the May ceremony, but it was too I will be walking in graduation next May (2010). For some people, and even myself a few years ago...not actually walking across the stage receiving my degree until six years after I finished high school is somewhat unacceptable, but I don't care anymore...the point is that I am receiving it and that all who I care about will be able to be I'll be walking with my lil sis class, and hopefully the amphitheatre will be pretty once again after all the construction is done next to it. There's a class that I really want to take next semester so I might even do that...I love commuting, as long as gas prices don't's time for me to think, listen to music, and lately to choreograph in my head.
Ahhh on to the subject of Emerald Pointe...never did I think I would actually be back working there...but I am so thankful to have it in these hard times, and right now I love what I'm doing. I am planning to stay for the summer, because I think it would be jerk-ish to work all pre-season and leave when I'm really needed. I'm actually kinda excited to be working there (although I was told tonight I always get my defense that's when I was ready to come home and get away from school :-P), and I feel like I've actually had a little bit of involvement with what's going on...and once the season starts I'll be making more than I would starting pretty much anywhere else. I just need to get some debt paid off, and get myself back into good, stable financial shape...and figure out what I want to do come September, and where I want to be. My grandmother keeps pressuring me to buy a house because of all the incentives plus that $8000 tax credit...and I would LOVE to, right now mortgage payments are less than most rent payments, but I have no idea where I'm going to live. I would preferably stay in the Greensboro area...but who knows what's in store...I've learned that lesson MANY MANY times recently.
So after all this rambling, I'm sure I left many things out that I wanted to share, but oh well, it's time for bed :-).