Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm terrible...

So I promised that last blog by the end of last week, but I'm so terrible it hasn't been done yet and I'm afraid it won't be this week either haha sorry Melissa! This week has been/is filled with Ashley's wedding shower preparations and then the actual shower on Saturday. I'm so excited and things are coming together nicely. Next week things should be calmer so I will have more time to write about what's been on my mind lately :-)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Four months later...

So I've been absolutely terrible at this blog thing seeing as I haven't posted since my first one, but I promise I will get better for the one person that I know might read this haha! Things in the past few months have been crazy. I have the most amazing experience to share that has taken place over the past couple of days but that will have to wait as those days have also been very sleep-deprived and exhausting (emotionally and physically), but I promise the story by the end of the week! I hope everyone in the area is enjoying the snow and the resulting events (aka NO school).